For more than a decade, EDUCAUSE has partnered with the New Media Consortium (NMC) to publish the annual Horizon Report – Higher Education Edition. Earlier this year, EDUCAUSE acquired the rights to the NMC Horizon project, which identifies and describes the higher education trends, challenges, and developments in educational technology likely to have an impact on learning, teaching, and creative inquiry. EDUCAUSE is publishing this 15th edition to both honor and work actively with the NMC’s Horizon legacy. The report includes sections on:
- Key Trends Accelerating Higher Education Technology Adoption
- Significant Challenges Impeding Higher Education Technology Adoption
- Important Developments in Technology for Higher Education
In addition, EDUCAUSE solicited projects from the international higher education community that exemplify the development horizons in this year’s report. Over 100 project submissions were received and of these, 18 institutional projects were selected for inclusion in the Horizon Report.