M-Pathways Student Administration upgrade coming May 2018, outage planned


side-by-side comparsion of old and new M-Pathways UI

The M-Pathways Student Administration upgrade is in full swing with an expected go-live date of May 21, 2018. This upgrade brings a review of processes, an opportunity for future advancements to meet the needs of our students and faculty, and updated training and support. Additionally, it positions U-M to better leverage future enhancements from the vendor and continue timely implementations of bug fixes and regulatory releases.

This upgrade will require an extended outage of the M-Pathways Student Administration system beginning at 5 p.m. on Thursday, May 17, 2018 and ending at 6 a.m. Monday, May 21, 2018. The outage will impact all users of the M-Pathways Student Administration application, including Wolverine Access Student Business, New & Prospective Student Business, Parents & Family – My Student’s Information and those who connect through RDAs, Integrations and APIs.

As the date gets closer, further information will be available regarding the changes and outages to the system. Currently, few changes are expected with enhancements to help process transactions. To keep informed, visit the Student Administration Upgrade website.