Gina Brandolino, an instructor in the Sweetland Center for Writing and the English Language and Literature department, wanted to move from grading physical papers to using online tools, but she wanted to preserve her ability to hand write comments as opposed to typing inline comments. An LSA-ISS Teaching Transformed grant enabled her to spend a summer adapting her work flow and materials to utilize the new technologies. Brandolino’s original process was fairly typical: Students could turn in a paper copy of an assignment in class or submit an electronic version via DropBox. She would print any electronic submissions, mark the physical papers up with comments and then distribute the graded papers in class. She now completes the process entirely online, using Canvas Assignments and Gradebook, as well as an application for her Surface Pro tablet that enables her to write comments with a stylus. Students are notified that their submissions are graded and can view the feedback in Canvas whenever they choose.