As the largest college on campus, LSA has hundreds of changes to courses and degree requirements every year—changes that must be coordinated between LSA departments and the Registrar’s Office.
That process just became easier with the recent completion of the Course List Update project (CLU) led by Matt Olex, a senior application architect in LSA Technology Services. M-Pathways data is pulled directly into the online interface of the CLU and combines that information with both term specific and permanent course list update requests from LSA departments. The completed digital form is then submitted to the Registrar’s Office.
“The Course List Update project made me realize that even a seemingly small and narrowly focused project can have a big impact. Good workflow and tools to interact with complicated data can make a big difference in the daily responsibilities of many different roles across the college. It’s exciting to realize that and I feel fortunate to have been part of the project,” Olex said.