My Learning Analytics, or MyLA, is available for U-M faculty and instructional staff to use in their Canvas courses for winter 2020. MyLA provides a set of visualizations that can be embedded in courses in the Canvas learning-management system to give students insights into how they budget their time, set goals, and monitor their performance.
MyLA was designed by faculty researchers from the School of Education and School of Information in collaboration with ITS Teaching & Learning to help students leverage their own learning data to inform their study behaviors. Initial research into student use of the visualizations and survey feedback in pilot studies indicates promising advantages for students using MyLA.
Faculty who want to give students access to MyLA in their Canvas course can fill out an online request. The MyLA team will add it to their course site and send students a quickstart video. Researchers will also survey students about their experience using MyLA. Staff who support faculty can submit requests on their behalf or reach out to the MyLA team for more information.
Learn more about MyLA or fill out a request form: https://its.umich.edu/academics-research/teaching-learning/my-learning-analytics.