Visit more than 25 interactive demonstrations of educational technologies, services, and initiatives in a casual strolling appetizer format. The event is from 1–3 p.m. on October 15 in 1060 Biological Sciences Building (BSB). BSB 1060 is our largest team-based classroom with 23 team tables and large screens, providing the perfect venue for demonstrating popular technology tools. Participants can sit comfortably around the team tables for the demonstrations while enjoying some savory appetizers. All demonstrations are presented by U-M faculty and staff.
This event is made possible by LSA Technology Services staff and our partners at the U-M Library, Information and Technology Services (ITS) Teaching and Learning, Academic Innovation, and the Center for Research on Learning and Teaching (CRLT).
See how new technologies and methods are being used in a variety of U-M courses. Register NOW for the Technology Tools for Teaching event.