Previously, Microsoft allowed anyone affiliated with an educational institution to sign up for a free, personally-provisioned Office 365 Education account by using their .edu email. Due to a shift in the way that Microsoft licenses their products to the university, alumni and retiree Office 365 accounts will be decommissioned by July 31, 2018.
The new licensing approach by Microsoft requires that all Microsoft accounts with a email address have an active affiliation with U-M. Therefore, alumni and retirees are not entitled to use U-M Office 365 and they will lose access, as they currently do with some other IT services. Emeritus faculty will retain access.
The ITS Collaboration team is contacting this group in phases to inform them that their access to U-M Office 365 will end and to provide them with support and instructions about alternative services. They recommend moving Office 365 documents from OneDrive to U-M Google Drive, which alumni and retirees can continue to use. They are also providing information on how to purchase a personally-owned Office 365 account, if desired.
Read FAQs About Office 365 After You Leave U-M and Office 365 Accounts for People Who Leave U-M for more information.